The Tharu tribe, an indigenous community residing in the Terai region of India and Nepal, is renowned for their exceptional craftsmanship using natural materials such as jute and dried Moonj grass. In Uttar Pradesh, the Tharu people are primarily located in the districts of Bahraich, Lakhimpur Kheri, and Gorakhpur. The Tharu tribe is known for creating a variety of handcrafted items, with a special emphasis on bags and other decorative designs made from jute and Moonj grass. These materials are skillfully woven and crafted into sturdy, functional, and aesthetically pleasing products. The bags made by the Tharu tribe are celebrated for their durability and eco-friendliness, reflecting their deep connection to nature and sustainable living. The Tharu tribe's craftsmanship significantly contributes to the local economy and helps preserve their traditional skills, making their handmade products highly valued both locally and beyond.